Ecommerce business support at your side

If your ecommerce business is looking to break into new international markets, you can share and develop your business ideas and export plans with our team. 

We help Queensland businesses navigate all elements of taking a business online. 

From starting an ecommerce business to launching your store in global markets and mastering the art of online selling, Trade and Investment Queensland (TIQ) has a dedicated team ready to support you. 

Specialist ecommerce business advice

We will help your ecommerce business effectively make a mark and prosper in the global market. 

Hands shaking in front of a globe

Customised ecommerce support support services

Our knowledge and services for ecommerce and online selling include:

  • market research and analysis
  • how to select the right ecommerce platform 
  • digital marketing and content creation for ecommerce and international markets
  • logistics and fulfilment
  • data analytics and insights
  • customer support and engagement
  • cross-border payment solutions
  • international market entry strategies
  • international security and privacy
  • scaling and optimisation 
  • compliance and regulatory support.

Some of the ecommerce businesses we have helped

Create an online store 
ready for the world

We can apply our ecommerce expertise to develop and implement digital strategies to grow your business online and increase export sales.

A globe

Why businesses trust our ecommerce business support 

"Partnering with TIQ has been a game-changer for our business. Their ecommerce team played a crucial role in the successful launch of our new Mainie website. TIQ provided detailed audits, careful planning, and hands-on support, guiding us through the complexities of rebuilding our platform. The experience has empowered us to take control of our ecommerce operations and renewed our confidence in Mainie’s future as an ethical and sustainable First Nations fashion brand."

 -  Charmaine Saunders  Mainie Australia 

Online shopping is on the rise

$11.8 trillion
 Estimated global ecommerce sales by 2027


Australian online shopping businesses 

Your ecommerce business specialist

Photo of Simon Couch.

Simon Couch 

Simon Couch is an expert in guiding businesses through the complexities of the digital landscape, with a particular focus on how to start an ecommerce business and what an ecommerce business entails. 

With extensive experience in marketing, ecommerce, events, and enhancing a business’s digital presence, Simon has supported businesses across various industry sectors in crafting effective marketing strategies, boosting their social media presence, and optimising their online visibility.

Passionate about helping Queensland companies grow, Simon enjoys developing tailored ecommerce business ideas that align with each business's unique goals. 

He excels in advising on specifics of how to open an ecommerce business and how to sell products to other countries, ensuring businesses can thrive in the global marketplace.

Simon is dedicated to helping businesses expand their reach, navigating the global digital landscape with innovative solutions and a commitment to fostering growth and excellence for Queensland companies.

Stay updated about our grants

 Be the first to know when you can apply for funding from Trade and Investment Queensland to help your business export or expand overseas.