Invest in Queensland

Strong protections help to create strong investment returns. With political stability, a fair and transparent regulatory framework, and laws that prohibit corruption and protect intellectual property, Queensland offers one of the world’s most secure investment opportunities.

Australia is ranked:

  • 14th from 190 countries for ease of doing business by the World Bank
  • 13th from 180 countries in Transparency International’s global Corruptions Perceptions Index
  • 11th from129 countries for respect of intellectual property rights

To foster sustainable growth, the Queensland Government provides certainty to investors with long-term commitment to key sectors and its willingness to engage with investors to achieve shared goals. 

Extra support for major projects and real estate investments

Major projects and property investments in Queensland can be developed in legislated State Development Areas and Priority Development Areas.

These entities boost local economies and your return on investment through planning efficiencies and fast-tracking. 

State development areas are areas of land that represent strategically located industrial hubs or major development sites.

Priority development areas are parcels of land that will deliver significant community benefits – including commercial developments, industrial opportunities, and residential estates.

Our investment advisors can tell you more about these types of projects.

Talk to a specialist

Let’s work together to create your Queensland success story. Connect with our team of global advisors and sector specialists today and discover what Queensland has to offer.